Contact and directions to the art school

Feel free to write us a message if you have any questions.

Address of the atelier

Atelier of Fine Art
Stolberger Straße 2
50933 Köln

info (at)

Please announce your visits in advance!

If you don't receive a response within 2-3 days, please check your spam folder or contact us again.

You are welcome to get to know the studio in a free introductory session, where we will explain course details to you.
Select one of the available dates and let us know what you’re interested in learning. We will get back to you.


The entrance is located on Oskar-Jäger-Straße. The entrance at Stolberger Straße 2 does not lead to the atelier!

Stop: Melatengürtel: Tram 13 or Bus 140  
Find us on Google Maps.

Karte zum Atelier