Alla Prima Portrait Malerei mit Arthur Gain

Lerne die Grundlagen der Alla-Prima-Porträtmalerei mit dem renommierten Künstler und Kunstlehrer Arthur Gain. In diesem intensiven 3-tägigen Workshop wird Arthur seine Methode der Nass-in-Nass-Portraitmalerei demonstrieren.

  • Tonaler Ansatz zum Zeichnen
  • Ähnlichkeit und Methoden der Beobachtung
  • Effizientes Einblocken
  • Reduzierung der Tonwerte
  • Temperaturwechsel
  • Farbauftrag
  • Komposition

Workshop Zeiten

Freitag, Samstag und Sonntag von 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr.
Mittagspause von 13:00 bis 14:00.


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Alla Prima Portrait Malerei

Arthur Gain

Level Fortgeschritten
Freie Plätze Ausgebucht!


  • Die Plätze sind limitiert. Bitte frühzeitig buchen.
  • Der Workshop findet auf englisch statt.
Arthur gain artist

Arthur Gain

Arthur Gain, based in Barcelona (Spain), is a self-taught oil painter with a diverse artistic journey. His works have been showcased in esteemed venues worldwide, including the MEAM in Spain, the Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum in the US, and the Museo La Contea Del Caravaggio in Italy. Arthur is a winner and finalist of numerous international competitions, including the prestigious BoldBrush Award (December 2023), multiple times finalist of competitions such as BoldBrush, ModPortrait, and ARC Salon.

Previously, Arthur pursued a successful career in commercial illustration and graphic design, later transitioning to become a creative director in the advertising industry. However, it was his exploration of traditional Yoga and Buddhist meditation during his time in Asia that ultimately led him to realize his passion for representational art.

Nowadays, Arthur focuses on personal projects and commissions for private and corporate clients. Additionally he continues to share his expertise with a broader audience both offline and online, including professional artists seeking to enhance their skills in oil painting and portraiture, as well as students at the Barcelona Academy of Art.

Instagram @arthurgain